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digital scholarship

Use your Social Media skills to win a $1,000 scholarship!

Applications are now being accepted for the 2025 AltaOne Foundation Digital Scholarship.  Up to six $1,000 scholarships are available.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Applicant must be a member of AltaOne Federal Credit Union with accounts in good standing at the time of application and scholarship award announcement. Not a member? Stop by any AltaOne branch and join today. 

  • Applicant must be a current high school student that is 14 years old or older, a graduating high school senior, or a current college/university/trade school student.

  • Applicant must have a grade-point average (GPA) of 2.5 or higher.

  • High school student applicants must attend an accredited summer 2025 academic program. Graduating high school seniors and current college student applicants must attend an accredited college, university, or trade school for the 2025-2026 academic year.

Submission Information

  • Applicant must submit a completed AltaOne Foundation Digital Scholarship application, which can be obtained by clicking the button below.  Application must be submitted by email to Foundation@AltaOne.net, by 5pm, Monday, March 31, 2025.

  • An official high school/college transcript must be sent directly from the school in a sealed, stamped envelope, and postmarked by Friday, April 4, 2025, to:

    Scholarship Committee
    AltaOne Foundation
    11211 River Run Boulevard
    Bakersfield CA 93311

  • Applicants must submit one of the following types of digital media content about financial literacy, designed to influence their friends to open an account at AltaOne Federal Credit Union. Content can be as simple as providing a financial tip, explaining the difference between a bank and a credit union, discussing why it's important to save money, or any other topic related to financial education:

    • TikTok Videos: Create and post three to five original TikTok videos with the hashtag #AltaOneScholarship. The videos must be uploaded to TikTok, and the URL link to each video must be provided on the scholarship application.

    • Facebook or Instagram Reels: Create and post three to five original reels with the hashtag #AltaOneScholarship. The reels must be uploaded to Facebook or Instagram, and the URL link to each reel must be provided on the scholarship application.

Selection Criteria

Scholarship awards will be selected by the content relevance and creativity of their digital media submissions. See Terms & Conditions for more information.

Key Dates to Remember:

  • March 31, 2025: Completed application must be submitted by email to Foundation@AltaOne.net, by 5pm, Monday, March 31, 2025.

  • April 4 , 2025: Official high school/college transcripts must be postmarked by Friday, April 4, 2025.

  • April 14, 2025: Scholarship award recipients will be notified by Monday, April 14, 2025.

  • April 26, 2025: Scholarships will be presented during the AltaOne Federal Credit Union Annual Meeting to be held on Saturday, April 26, 2025, in Ridgecrest California. Award recipients should strive to attend the Annual Meeting in person. If they are unable to attend, other arrangements/methods for acceptance may be made at the discretion of the AltaOne Foundation.


Please contact the AltaOne Foundation at Foundation@AltaOne.net or call (800) 433-9727, ext. 1334.

Digital Scholarship Terms & Conditions
• Digital submissions must address the contest theme and must not have been submitted to any other competition or contest.
• All submissions become the property of AltaOne Federal Credit Union and the AltaOne Foundation.
• Submission must not contain material that violates or infringes another’s rights, including copyright and local, state, and federal communication laws.
• Submission must be the original work of the entrant.
• Submission must not contain objectionable or inappropriate content and must not state or imply that it is published by or affiliated with AltaOne Federal Credit Union or the AltaOne Foundation.
• AltaOne Federal Credit Union and the AltaOne Foundation are not responsible for any submissions that violate these rules.
• Any submissions deemed in violation of these rules, in the Foundation’s sole and complete discretion, will be disqualified without notice.
• By entering the contest, you consent to the use of your name, likeness, and digital submission promotional materials in any media without additional compensation or permission, except where prohibited by law.
• Once submitted, the submission may not be modified, edited, or replaced by the entrant.
• Scholarship recipients will be required to provide a completed W-9 to the AltaOne Foundation before scholarship proceeds are dispersed.