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Stay Savvy Online: How to Beat Phishing & Smishing Scams

In today’s digital age you must be diligent in keeping your financial world safe, secure, and worry-free. If you surf the internet or have a smart phone, you’ll eventually be a potential victim of phishing and smishing. But don’t worry, we've got your back with some advice on how to outsmart those pesky cyber tricksters!

What's the Buzz About Phishing and Smishing?

Imagine getting a fishing line thrown at you, but instead of a fish, it's a sneaky scammer trying to reel in your personal info. That's phishing! It usually happens via email and, let's admit it, they can look pretty convincing. They'll trick you into clicking on links or sharing info, like passwords or credit card numbers.

Now, imagine another fishing line, but this time it's a text message - and instead of a fish, it's a scammer trying to hook you into their trap. That's smishing! Same game, just a different pond.

Our Top Tips to Dodge the Phishing and Smishing Hooks:

  • Be Sherlock Holmes with Links and Emails
    Before clicking any link or downloading an attachment, channel your inner detective. Check the sender's email address or phone number. If it looks weird or doesn't match the company, that's your clue to hit the brakes.

  • You're the Master of Your Info
    Your social security number and passwords are like secret treasures – keep them locked away! Legit companies won't ask for these precious gems over email or text. If they do, it's time to put on your skeptical glasses.

  • Double-Check with a Direct Call
    If you get an email or text that seems suspicious, don't be shy! Call up the company directly using their official contact info to verify if they really sent that message.

  • Embrace the Power of Updates
    Your devices are like superheroes protecting you from cyber villains. Keep them strong by regularly updating your software and apps. Those updates aren't just about shiny new features - they come with armor against known threats.

  • Mix it Up with Multi-Factor Magic
    Make sure your accounts are locked tight! Enable multi-factor authentication wherever possible. It's like having a secret handshake before you're granted access.

  • Don't Be Afraid to Report
    If you smell something fishy (pun intended!), let us know. Forward suspicious emails or texts to us at and we'll help make sure no one takes the bait.

Remember, you're the captain of your online ship, and we're your trusty co-pilots. We're here to remind you that staying informed and using a pinch of common sense is all it takes to navigate the sea of phishing and smishing scams. 🚀💪

Christopher Lowe