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frequently asked questions

After-Hours Phone Numbers

Debit Card services (800) 433-9727 Option 2
Credit Card services (800) 433-9727 Option 4
Voice One automated teller (800) 433-9727 Option 1

Check Reorders

Checks can be reordered at any branch location, by calling us at 800-433-9727 or online directly from our printer at HarlandClarke.com.

Deceased Depositor Accounts

What do I do about a deceased relative’s account with AltaOne?

If there is a beneficiary on the account, the beneficiary must provide a death certificate to the credit union to close the account.  If there is not a beneficiary, and the deceased person’s estate is less than $166,250 in value (if the death occurred prior to April 1, 2022) or $184,500 (if the death occurred on or after April 1, 2022), an ‘Affidavit for Collection of Personal Property’ may be completed, along with providing a death certificate.  For information on completing the affidavit, click here to visit the Sacramento County Public Law Library webpage for guidance. This material is intended as general information only. Your situation may have factors requiring different procedures or forms.  If you have further questions or need assistance, consult a lawyer.

Financial Assistance

Having Trouble Making a Payment on Time or Other Financial Difficulties? We understand that financial hardships can be a difficult and challenging experience for anyone. Whether it is due to unexpected expenses, job loss, or other circumstances, struggling to make payments can be stressful. It is important to remember that you are not alone, and we are available to provide support and resources. If you need assistance, call our Financial Risk Management team at (800) 433-9727, option 7.

Home & Auto Insurance Policy Address

Home and Auto Insurance Policies are to include the following address for Lienholder/Loss Payee:

AltaOne Federal Credit Union
Control #4171
PO Box 58610
Tukwila WA 98138

The borrower or their insurance agent may submit insurance declarations at www.myinsuranceinfo.com.

Please be advised: Should the borrower fail to maintain the required insurance throughout the life of their loan, the lender may (but shall not be required to and without prejudice to its rights if it does not) purchase a policy for its own protection and pass the cost of the policy on to the borrower. The lender may, but is not required to, attempt to contact the borrower prior to purchasing the insurance. The lender may at its option, add the premium to the borrowers loan. This may cause an increase in the borrowers regular payment.

Loan Payment Options

There are many ways to make a payment to your AltaOne loan:

  1. Log in to your online banking, select "Menu," Transactions," and then "Add External Account." Once you are there, enter your routing and account number for your other institution. Once the deposits are there, within 3-5 business days, select "Verify External Account" and then enter the micro-deposit amounts. Then you can complete a transfer from your share to your loan.

  2. Contact your other financial institution and see if they offer a Bill Pay service. You will just need your routing and account number for the loan to set up the automatic payments. Your AltaOne routing number is 322274462 for all accounts, and you can find the loan number by selecting the loan on the homepage of your online banking, and it will be listed in the account summary.

  3. You may mail your payments directly to our corporate office in Ridgecrest. Our standard mailing address is PO Box 1209, Ridgecrest, CA 93556, and our overnight address is 701 S. China Lake Blvd., Ridgecrest, CA 93555.

  4. You may come into the branch to make a payment via cash or check. You may also pay via card; however, this also charges a cash advance fee.

  5. We can send a form to set up recurring payments. Your payment amount will be deducted from your other financial institution automatically on the same day of every month.

  6. You can have funds deposited into your account as a direct deposit from your employer. They would just need the routing and account number for the Main Share. Once the funds are available in the Main Share, you would need to complete a funds transfer within the online banking; you may call us to do this transfer, or you can set it up to recur from your online banking.

  7. You may call us directly at (800) 433-9727. ***

  8. You can pay your bill online, by clicking the ‘Make A Payment’ link in the top right corner of this page.***

    ***Options 7 and 8 may incur an associated fee per payment. Please see our Statement of Fees for more information.

Online & Mobile Banking

Most questions about Online & Mobile Banking can be answered by visiting our Online & Mobile Banking page.

Wire Transfer / Wiring Instructions

Receiving Financial Institution Information:

AltaOne Federal Credit Union
701 South China Lake Blvd
Ridgecrest CA 93555

Routing Number:

Phone Number:

Account Number:
Savings: Your Savings Account Number.
Checking: Your full Checking Account MICR Number (This can be found at the bottom of your personal checks, or in Online & Mobile Banking by clicking ‘Details & Settings’ while viewing your account history. The number will be noted as ‘Direct Deposit Account Number’. Use the full number listed.)

AltaOne does not have a SWIFT Code. Please use our Routing Number: 322274462