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‘Tis the Season to Stay Safe: Protect Yourself from Holiday Scams

As we gear up for the holiday season, we want to spread some warmth and share some crucial tips on staying safe from scams during this festive time. While the holidays are all about love, joy, and spending time with loved ones, it's also a time when scammers become more active. Let's take a look at some common scams you should be aware of and how to protect yourself and your family.

1. Spoofing, Phishing, and Smishing: Oh My!

Scammers are getting more sophisticated every year. Spoofing, phishing, and smishing attacks can happen through emails, text messages, or even phone calls. Be cautious about clicking on links or sharing personal information online. Always verify the source before sharing any sensitive details.

2. Jugging - A Sneaky Scam

Jugging is a lesser-known scam where criminals watch people leaving banks/credit unions or ATMs during the holidays and follow them to steal their cash or valuables. Always be aware of your surroundings, and consider making financial transactions inside the credit union if possible.

3. Romance Scams: Love Can Be Deceptive

The holiday season can be lonely for some, and scammers take advantage of this vulnerability through romance scams. If someone you meet online seems too good to be true and starts asking for money, it's a major red flag. Take your time to get to know someone and be cautious about sending money to anyone you haven't met in person.

4. Protecting Your Grandchildren

While you're spreading holiday cheer, be cautious when discussing your family on social media. Scammers might use the information you share to impersonate a family member in distress, asking for money. Always double-check with other family members before sending funds.

5. The Gift Card Scam

One of the most common holiday scams is the gift card scam. Scammers may impersonate a loved one or a company, asking you to buy gift cards and share the codes. Remember, legitimate organizations won't ask for payment in gift cards. Verify requests through a trusted channel before taking action.

We are here to help you stay safe this holiday season. Remember these tips, and share them with your loved ones. Together, we can ensure that this festive season remains filled with joy, love, and cherished memories.

Christopher Lowe