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We know your time is valuable, and at AltaOne Federal Credit Union, we're here to make banking easy and personal. Whether you're opening a new account, applying for a loan, or just need some financial advice, our friendly team is ready to help. Schedule an appointment that fits your schedule, and let us support you on your financial journey.
Bakersfield - Ming Branch
6501 Ming Avenue
Bakersfield CA 93309
Bakersfield - Riverwalk Branch
11211 River Run Boulevard
Bakersfield CA 93311
Bishop Branch
462 North Main Street
Bishop CA 93515
Boron Branch
27055 Twenty Mule Team Road
Boron CA 93516
California City Branch
9601 California City Boulevard
California City CA 93504
China Lake - Base Branch
NAWS China Lake - Restricted Access
1115 King Avenue
Ridgecrest CA 93555
Kernville Branch
44 Big Blue Road
Kernville CA 93238
Lake Isabella Branch
5946 Lake Isabella Boulevard
Lake Isabella CA 93240
Lone Pine Branch
111 W Mountain View Street
Lone Pine CA 93545
Ridgecrest - Corporate Branch
701 S China Lake Boulevard
Ridgecrest CA 93555
Ridgecrest - North Branch
1450 N Norma Street
Ridgecrest CA 93555
Tehachapi Branch
665 Tucker Road
Tehachapi CA 93561