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We’re here to help!
In response to the devastating Los Angeles County Wildfires, AltaOne has activated Its Emergency Member Assistance Program to support those who live or work in the affected areas.
Program Highlights:
Bridge Loans: Members can apply for bridge loans up to $5,000 at reduced rates. Payments are deferred for the first 90 days. These funds can be used for temporary housing, small repairs, insurance deductibles, and other urgent needs.
Loan Assistance: Existing AltaOne loans can receive payment deferment and late fee assistance to reduce financial strain during this challenging time.
Term Share Certificate Withdrawals: Withdraw funds from AltaOne term share certificates with no early withdrawal penalty and return funds at a later date without breaking the term and rate.
Checks, Debit & Credit Cards: To ensure access to your accounts, members can receive free checks and have debit or credit card express ordered at no charge.
Our Priority: Your Safety and Support
If you have been affected by the Los Angeles County Wildfires, your safety is our top priority. For more information or to apply for the Emergency Member Assistance Program, visit any AltaOne branch or call 800-433-9727.